Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu
This was OUR VIEW!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

John's Waynapicchu Story

John did make it to the site and was barely able to walk. He had every flu like symptom.
We decided he should wait where we entered the hike. He curled up in the fetal position on a granite rock to wait for us in the sun & rain. After awhile he got too hot and found a tree bench in one of the huts nearby and quickly fell asleep. The bench was better than the outdoors and granite, but he found himself at a significant archeological site. Tour guides brought in groups to explain different elements of the building. John went in and out of consciousness only to hear masses of Chinese people taking pictures of him and talking about him. When English speaking people came in he could hear them making fun of him and daring each other to sit on him, etc.

Poor guy:(

We choose this restaurant in Aguas Callentes not only because Marisol said they had good food, but they also had a small couch as all John wanted to do was to lay down and sleep! They were so nice, they even brought out a blanket and covered him up! The good news is that he has a day of Cipro in him and he says he is a half a man now.


  1. Poor guy!! Maybe he should not eat guinea pig!!

  2. Shirley, that was what I was thinking! I feel so sorry for him! Hope he is making a speedy recovery.

  3. I'm sorry you felt rotten, John, but at least you can enjoy the pictures of the hike without enduring that steep climb - just like those of us following the blog!

  4. Awhhh...Poor John!! That would be terrible to feel that bad at home...couldn't even imagine having to lay in a hut and have people come in and make fun of you!! Not Fun!
